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Family Programs

Information and Referral (I&R) is for whenever you or your family have a question, about almost anything that affects you or your family. When you don’t know who to ask, call the FFSC. It is our job to know about all types of services, resources and assistance that can help you in most situations. I&R answers questions, identifies helpful civilian and military resources, provides phone numbers, addresses and more.

The Family Advocacy Program provides clinical assessment, treatment and advocacy services for military members and their families involved in incidents of child abuse or domestic abuse. Services include assessment of risk, safety planning and interventions in addition to treatment for victims, offenders and others affected by family violence.

The Family Advocacy Program is designed to strengthen families and help family members stop hurting one another. It involves prevention, education, intervention and treatment of child abuse and neglect and spouse abuse.

EFMP Brochure 011119_Cover.jpgThe  Exceptional Family Member Program provides an all-inclusive approach for community, educational, medical, housing and personnel services for families with special needs. Enrollment is mandatory for all service members who have family members with special needs. Enrollment ensures maximum provision of services to the family throughout the service member’s career. Special needs include special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirements; the requirement for adaptive equipment assistive technology devices; or services of a wheelchair. 



Exceptional Family Member Program liaisons assist families in locating special needs services and resources by identifying local military and civilian resources such as special education assistance, social and support groups, treatment providers and information about local disability services. Respite care helps military families with children with special needs by providing 40 hours of respite care per month so they can leave the house, go to an appointment, shop or just rest while knowing that their child is being well cared for.

Benefits to service members, families and command leadership includes:

  • Networking, information, referral and resources, and assistance during permanent change of station moves
  • Peace of mind for deployed service members and their families
  • Enhances command readiness through support to the service member and family
  • Improves retention by providing support to Sailors who may otherwise consider separation in order to best meet their family’s needs
  • Decreases costly overseas returns by proactively ensuring that duty assignments are made with special needs taken into consideration

For assistance with any or all of these programs, contact the Fleet & Family Support Center:
168 Bennion Road
Annapolis, MD 21402
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