School Age Care


As a vital function of Navy Child and Youth Programs, School-Age Care is an ongoing program at the Billy the Kid Youth Center, which is accredited by the National Council on Accreditation. The SAC program operates Monday through Friday from 6 to 9 a.m. and from 3 to 6:30 p.m. (excluding federal holidays) and includes supervised activity for children, ages kindergarten through 12 years old before and after school, early school dismissals, parent-teacher conferences, in-service teacher days and snow days.

Eligible participants are children of active-duty, active reservists, DoD civilian employees and full-time U.S. Naval Academy contractors. Activities include arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor games, homework time and an afternoon snack. Activities also include camps during summer, winter and spring breaks and monthly birthday parties.

Summer camp

The SAC Program operates a 10-week summer camp from early June through the third week of August each year. Children enrolled in the SAC Program during the academic year have priority when registering for Summer Camp. Activities range from educational projects to sports and daily swimming. A weekly field trip is included in the cost of the program. Fees are based on total family income.  For details on SAC or summer camp, call the School-Age Care program.

Monthly birthday parties

Monthly birthday parties are hosted by the SAC program at various locations in and around Annapolis. The SAC program provides limited transportation and any late signups must be carpooled by their own parents to/from the party location.Children with birthdays

Apply for child care


Military families seeking child care within Naval District Washington may make a request online at is a DoD, centralized Website htat allows families to search for and request care, manage their requests and update their profile online, making it easier to find child care. Simply create an account online at Then search the system for the child care options that best fit your needs and submit your request(s). The program will contact you when space becomes available.

To get started, visit For questions, please call toll-free 855-696-2934.