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Season Passes on Sale Now!

Purchase today at South Pool, 21 Badger Road, Annapolis, 21402


South Severn Pool / (410) 293-3033
Located on Rte 450 across from Gate 8, USNA (21 Badger Road, Annapolis, 21402)
Season: 25 May – 2 Sept
Weekdays: 1200-1900
Weekends: 1100-1900
Federal Holidays: 1100-1900

North Severn Pool / (410) 293-2082​
Located on Eucalyptus Road, NSA Annapolis
Season: 17 June – 16 Aug
Weekdays: 1200-1800
Weekends: Closed
Federal Holidays: Closed

Hours of operation may be subject to change.

North Pool, NSA Annapolis

Daily Fees

AD/Reservist/Retirees & Dependents: FREE
DoD & Dependents 5+: $5
DoD Contractor & Dependents 5+: $6
Guest Fee: $8
Children 4 years & Under: FREE

FREE for Veterans with service-connected disabilities, all veterans who are Purple Heart recipients, all veterans who are former prisoners of war, all individuals approved and designated as the primary family caregivers of eligible veterans under the Department of Veterans Affairs Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.

MWR-eligible patrons not possessing a current Season Pass must pay a Daily Fee upon entering the pool complex regardless of the purpose of the visit (i.e. swimming, sunbathing, supervising children). The daily fee is valid for same-day re-entry.

Season Pass

Full Season: 25 May–2 Sept
Half Season: 25 May–14 July or 14 July–2 Sept

Individual (F/H): $200 / $100
Individual + 1 Dep. (F/H): $300 / $150
Family (F/H): $375 / $200

Individual (F/H): $250 / $125
Individual + 1 Dep. (F/H): $350 / $175
Family (F/H): $425 / $225

Liberty Housing
Individual (F/H): $300 / $150
Individual + 1 Dep. (F/H): $400 / $200
Family (F/H): $475 / $250

Liberty Housing eligible for Season Pass (Full or Half) only — no Daily Pass.


Swim Lessons

Certified American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim Group Lessons offered for two consecutive weeks (Four Weekday classes, eight classes per session) at the South Pool. The first time slot is at 0900, and the last time slot is at 1100. Not all levels are available during each time slot. Four students min per class and six students max for Levels 1-3. 4 years min age.

Cost / Levels 1-3
E1-E5: $64
Pass Holders: $68
All others: $75

Cost / Levels 4-6
AD E1-E5: $96
Pass Holders: $102
All others: $112 

Class Time
Level 1-3: 30-min / Level 4-6: 45-min

Session I
Registration: 8 June (0930-1100)
Dates: 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 & 27 JUN

Session II
Registration: 29 June (0930-1100)
Dates: 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 & 18 JUL

All lessons are rain or shine. In the event of facility closure due to weather conditions, all lessons will be canceled. There are no make-up classes.
Private Swim Lessons are available starting 17 June. Schedule with the Aquatics Manager at South Pool.

​​Swim for Fitness​

MWR offers FREE Lap Swimming on weekdays for eligible MWR patrons 18+ with required ID (Military/DoD/Veteran/2024 Pool Pass). Excludes Federal Holidays. South Pool location only.

0700-0900 (2 lanes only, Monday, 17 June - Friday, 26 July)
1050-1250 (8 lanes, Starting Tues, 28 May – Friday, 30 Aug)

Fit Swim entry ends at 0845 for the early morning time slot and 1230 for the mid-day time slot.

Private Pool Parties

South Pool
Friday/Saturday: 1900-2100

Pass Holder/Non-Pass Holder
1 Pool Rate**: $125/$150
2 Pool Rate**: $165/$190
3 Pool Rate**$220/$245

North Pool 
Saturday/Sunday: 1200-1600*
Rate**: $250/$275 (Pass Holder/Non-Pass Holder)

Saturday/Sunday: 1200-1400*
Rate**: $125/$150 (Pass Holder/Non-Pass Holder)

Renting Pavilion A/B? Rent the pool too at the Pass Holder Rate!
​*1430-1630 may be available if 1200-1400 is booked.
​**Rate includes up to 50 guests. Additional Fees: $40 for 51-75 guests, $80 for 76-100 guests. Maximum party size, 100 guests. Reservations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pool selection, size of party, full payment, and proper ID are required when booking in person at South Pool. Not all weekend dates are available. Inflatables and games are available at an additional cost.

Pools rentals not available on Federal Holidays. Rentals not available at North Pool after 10 Aug.


Pool Rental Request Form

Date Request

Rules & Regulations

1. Guests are not allowed to remain at the pool without their sponsor being present.

2. Pool membership passes are non-transferable. Members allowing others to use their passes or IDs are subject to having their membership revoked.

3. Children 10 and under must be actively supervised by a parent/ guardian whose minimum age is 16.

4. Children ages 11-15, if unattended, must have passed the required swim test before being allowed to enter unaccompanied.

5. The baby pool is only for ages 5 & under. An adult must be within arm’s reach & actively supervising their child. Children not potty-trained are required to wear a swim diaper with their swimsuit. This is a cell phone-free zone.

6. All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.

7. Persons suffering from fever, cold, inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharge, open sores or cuts, skin disease, or any other communicable disease are not permitted to be in the pool.

8. No glass or breakable items are permitted in the facility. 

9. Eating is only allowed in the designated picnic area. Beverages are not allowed within 6’ of the pool edge.

10. Consuming alcohol, smoking, vaping, and using chewing tobacco is not permitted in the pool complex. 

11. Spitting, spouting water, blowing your nose, urinating, or defecating in the pool is prohibited.

12. Running, pushing, dunking, or excessive splashing is strictly prohibited. Unruly behavior, use of foul language, or failure to obey lifeguard orders will result in dismissal from the pool for that day, or portions of a day. Repeated violations of the rules may result in the loss of pool privileges for the season.

13. No hyperventilation or extended breath-holding.

14. No socializing with on-duty lifeguards.

15. No chewing of gum inside the pool/pool complex.

16. Climbing on lifeguard stands or using lifesaving equipment for other than emergency use is strictly prohibited.

17. Swimmers must wear clean and appropriate swimwear. Cut-off jeans, pants, or street clothes are not authorized. Swimming with eyeglasses is permitted if they are safety glasses and properly secured with appropriate straps.

18. Diving is permitted in the diving well only. After jumping/diving off the board, swimmers must swim directly to the ladder to exit. Only forward dives and jumps are permitted. No flips or twists. Only youth under 18 years of age who have passed the swim test are allowed in the deep end of the pools.

19. Aquatic toys and equipment are not permitted in the pool. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, rafts, kickboards, inner tubes, scuba gear, swim fins, masks, water wings, balls, Frisbees, inflatable objects, or other similar items. Exceptions are Coast Guard-approved personal floatation devices, kickboards for lap swimming in lap lanes or in swim classes, and water toys for organized special events.

20. Children wearing PFDs in the pool must be supervised by an adult who is in the pool and within arm’s reach at all times.

21. A rest period of 10 minutes, adult swim, will be called each hour on the “50”. Anyone under the age of 16 is required to get out of the water. No swimming through the designated ‘lap lanes’ while they are in use. Swimmers may use alternate ladders to exit the pool.

22. Bicycles should be locked in the bike rack adjacent to the pool entrance. Bicycles may not block any gates or stairwells.

23. All patrons must comply with the direction of the pool manager and lifeguards. The pool and surrounding complex will be cleared of all patrons during thunderstorms for a period as determined by the pool manager.

24. Applying spray sunscreen is requested to be done in designated areas only and not chairside.

25. To help us keep our pool seating clean, please use a towel when laying out.

​​MWR Aquatics & MWR Fitness Annapolis
168 Bennion Road, NSA Annapolis
(410) 293-3033

download PDF 2024 MWR Aquatics Brochure

Customer Feedback

MWR Aquatics Survey  hyperlink-arrow-teal.png


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