Boat Rentals


Rent Canoes, Kayaks, Stand-up Paddleboards, Powerboats (Level 1-4), and Sailboats (Level 5-7).

download PDFBoat Rental Fees & Information
Reservations: Five days in advance. Rentals start the Tuesday before Memorial Day for Saturday rental. 

General Rental Rules

  • A pre-rental inspection of the boat will be made with the renter.  The condition of the boat and any issues shall be noted and initialed on the rental agreement.
  • Minimum age to rent a boat is 16.
  • Boat Rental Agreement and MWR Release of Liability (see Downloads) for each adult with minors listed shall be fully completed for each rental.  A copy of the rental agreement and the vessels registration card shall accompany the rental boat for the duration of the rental period.  The documents shall be placed in a “dry bag” for safekeeping. 
  • All renters must be qualified MWR facilities users.
  • MWR CCM will provide each renter a USCG approved PFD of an appropriate size for all vessel occupants.  In accordance with MD State Law, children 13 years of age and younger shall be required to wear a PFD at all times while on the water.
  • A USCG Approved throwable flotation device, handheld day flares, an audible warning device (air horn), fire extinguisher (for powered vessels), paddle and anchor with a suitable rode shall be supplied with each rental boat.
  • A rental history is required to move to larger vessels beginning with smaller/older boats. Two successful rentals are required before moving up to the next boat.
  • Please arrive on time as reserved boats will be held for 15 minutes without prior notification before being offered to interested renters.  
  • Online reservations will be charged a deposit equivalent to one hour rental. 

Sailboat Rentals

  • Sailboat rental skippers must possess a USNSA Basic Keelboat Skipper Qualification ASA equivalent (ASA 101) US Sailing Basic Keelboat or other USNSA recognized Basic Keelboat Qualifications.  Sailing certification must be presented at the time of rental.  
  • Each rental sailboat must have a qualified skipper and at least one crew person over the age of 16.
  • Experienced sailors with no Keelboat Skipper Qualification may challenge for a qualification.  Vessel rental is subject to the successful completion of the qualification.
  • Rental history begins with the Rainbow 24, Rhodes 19 or American 18 (Level 5), Capri 22, or Hunter 22 (Level 6), Catalina 25 (Level 7) and Catalina 27 (Level 8)
  • Area of Operations 
    • The operational boundaries for each class of sailboat will be drawn to the attention of the skipper on a nautical chart depicting the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay. 
    • Rhodes 19, Capri 22,  Hunters 22, Rainbow 24 Area of operation is:  an eastern boundary defined by a line between Greenbury and Tolly Points and up the Severn river as far as the US Naval Academy Bridge. 
    • Catalina 25 and 27 area of operation is: area described above and the vessel may be sailed on the Chesapeake Bay between the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and a southern boundary abeam Bloody Point

Powerboat Rentals

  • Individuals born after 1 July 1972 may rent a powerboat for one occasion only. Subsequent rentals require the individual to possess a Maryland Safe Boaters Certificate or equivalent.
  • Prior to the initial scheduling and rental of a powerboat, all individuals must complete a 26 question boating test and demonstrate practical boat operating skills.  The test and evaluation shall be administered by CCM. To qualify for powerboat rental, the individual shall achieve a passing score of 20 correct answers on the written test and successfully demonstrate practical on water boat operating skills.
  • The area of operation for rental powerboats is: an eastern boundary defined by a line between Greenbury and Tolly Points and up river on the Severn as far as the navigable headwaters of the Severn River.
  • Rental history begins with the Boston Whaler 15 (Level 1), Boston Whaler 17, 18 (Level 2), Tahoe 20 or Angler 20 (Level 3), then NauticStar 22 or 24 (Level 4).
  • Upon the return of the rental powerboat, the vessel will be removed from the water to its trailer or cradle and an inspection will be made to ascertain if there is any damage to the vessel, its equipment or if any equipment loss has occurred.  In the event of damage or loss being discovered it will be drawn to the renter’s attention, the damage and/or loss will be documented on the Rental Boat Damage Reporting Form. The document shall be signed by both the renter and the CCM employee responsible for the post use inspection.  The renter shall be advised that after an assessment for repairs and cost is established they will be invoiced for those costs. CCM will prepare and mail that invoice for payment to the renter. 
  • Fishing is permitted from the Boston Whaler 15, 17, 18, Angler 20 and all Jonboats. Renters are responsible for complying with any Federal or State laws governing fishing activity.
  • Towing of any waterborne object by rental power boats is prohibited.
  • Fuel is included in the rental fee.
  • The quality, capabilities and performance of these vessels, require renters to demonstrate their ability to responsibly operate these boats. The CCM will determine the qualifications of the individual prior to scheduling and renting these vessels.  
  • A damage free boating history with CCM must exist prior to renting the TAHOE, ANGLER and NAUTICSTARS. 
  • The area of operation for the TAHOE, ANGLER and NAUTICSTARS boats are: an eastern boundary defined by a line between Greenbury and Tolly Points and up river on the Severn as far as the navigable headwaters of the Severn River. Additionally these vessels may be used on the Chesapeake Bay between the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and a southern boundary abeam Bloody Point. These boundaries will be drawn to the renter’s attention on a nautical chart showing the Severn River and the Chesapeake Bay

Marina Rentals FAQ

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